Hear me out on this one, you guys – I know we’re going to have some non-believers in the peanut gallery.
Personality-packed sneakers have been a street fashion mainstay from Brooklyn to Tokyo for year, and some high-end designers are finally getting on the bandwagon. Christian Louboutin made a version that was ill-matched and far too pricey, but there are some small designers out there doing a much better job for a significantly lower price.
For example, the UES Watersnake High Top Chuck Sneaker is arguably more attractive than its Louboutin cousin, and it won’t even cost you that much more than a pair of fancy sneakers from an actual athletic brand.
This sneaker is totally irrelevant to the personal styles of many women, but for those who choose to infuse a good bit of either street style into their wardrobes, these sneakers are a great choice in order to make sure that your look stays high-end. The snakeskin looks great in this context, and the juxtaposition of luxury materials and pedestrian shapes is really interesting, if your personal style can accomodate it. This isn’t the type of shoe we normally cover, but I think that this example of the genre is particularly well done.